Imagine finally being free... of a person, pattern, or period in your life.

Hypnotic Cord Cutting™️ hits different because cords aren't just energetic –– they manifest on the physical plane in your brain as neural pathways.


In working with the physical, mental, and energetic planes,
you experience deep healing and resolution that spans spacetime.


So you can move freely along your desired path.


This process was created based on an experience I had in hypnosis, which was so surprising and cathartic that I had to create a protocol for you to experience it as well. 

These sessions are so powerful, resulting in a full timeline healing, deeper connection to your higher self, and to unconditional love.

Even better, they often don't require maintenance. Though I will teach you self-hypnosis techniques to use afterwards to maintain and protect your newly empowered energy field. Hypnotic Cord cutting is a bit different. 

In July 2023, I shared my Hypnotic Cord Cutting™️ protocol at the largest hypnosis conference in the world to a standing-room-only crowd. It has now been used by countless hypnotists all over the world to facilitate incredible healings for their clients. 

"This is one of the most beautifully healing experiences I've ever had." 

- Lori Hammond


"You guided me through the most beautiful and powerful experience... I felt relief and peace."

- Sylwia

A word from a colleague who witnessed a demo of my process at Hypnothoughts Live:


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